Here for you in an emergency

Emergency services are provided at all times for established clients.

Is it an emergency?

A veterinarian is always available to answer questions if you have them. If you are uncomfortable with anything your horse is doing, please call. That said, here are some general guidelines:

Emergency Vet

Colic is the number one reason a horse is seen for an emergency. Colic in the horse can manifest itself in many ways. In its simplest term, colic means any type of abdominal pain in the horse, and reasons can be anything from mild gas to a severe intestinal blockage or twist. The first sign is usually a horse refusing feed or hay. Other signs include curling the upper lip, pawing, stretching out as if to urinate, or laying down repeatedly. The first thing to do if you think your horse is colicking is to call your veterinarian.

Cuts and lacerations that are deep or involve a large area should be evaluated by a veterinarian as soon as possible. Even small wounds can be potentially severe, especially if they are near a joint. Lacerations and wounds that receive attention within several hours of occurrence generally have the best outcome for a full recovery.

Other reasons to call include swelling or discharge involving the eye, high fevers (over 102.5F), acute severe lameness and other sudden behavior changes.

 Contact Us

Call our regular office line at 813-489-9368 and press the emergency extension. Your call will be forwarded to the on-call veterinarian.